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3/15/20- "Isaiah 40, Pt. 2"
3/1/20- "Isaiah 40 Pt. 1"
2/23/20- "Isaiah 39"
2/16/20- "Isaiah 38"
2/9/20- "Isaiah 36-37"
2/2/20- "Isaiah 32-35"
1/26/20- "Isaiah 29-31"
1/12/20 - "Isaiah 28"
1/5/20 - "Our Mission- Be Happy in God and Bring God to Others"
12/29/19- "Sovereign and Eternal Love Matt. 6:25-34
12/15/19- Guest, Jon Pausley
12/8/19- "John 1: The Word Became Flesh"
12/1/19- "Isaiah 27, Pt. 3"
11/24/19- "Isaiah 27, Pt. 2"
11/17/19- "Isaiah 27, Pt. 1"
11/10/10- "Isaiah 25-26"
11/3/19- Guest Speaker Phil Kassel
10/27/19- "Isaiah 24"
10/20/19- "Isaiah 15-23"
10/13/19- "Isaiah 13-14"
9/29/19- "Discipleship 101"
9/15/19- "Isaiah 11"
9/8/19- "Isaiah 10"
8/24/19- "Isaiah 10"
8/18/19- "Isaiah 9"
8/11/19- "Isaiah"
8/4/19- "Isaiah"
7/28/19- Guest Chris Holck
7/14/19- "Isaiah"
7/7/19- "Galations 5:1-6"
6/30/19- Guest: Phil Kassel
6/23/19- "Acts 1: Pentacost"
6/16/19- "Isaiah 7"
6/9/19- "Isaiah"
6/2/19- "Isaiah"
5/26/19- "Isaiah"
5/19/19- "Isaiah: Woe to Those Who Turn Away from the Lord"
5/5/19- "Isaiah: Mercy and
Hope in the Midst of Judgement
4/14/19- "Isaiah: Mercy in the Midst of Judgement"
4/28/19- "Isaiah: My People Have Fallen"
4/7/19- "Isaiah: What Pleases God? Heartfelt Worship & Loving the Poor Among You"
3/10/19- "Study to Show Thyself Approved"
3/3/19- "He Gave us Christ- Will He Not Give You Everything You Need?"
5/12/19- "Isaiah: The Vineyard of the Lord is Destroyed"
4/21/19- "Isaiah: Future Hope in the Messiah"
3/17/19- "Isaiah: I Am the God Who Saves"
2/24/19- "Love from God that Goes Back to God and Out to Others"
2/17/19- "Hospitality is Gospel"
2/10/19- "Encourange One Another"
2/3/19- "Glorifying God in Our Sports"
1/27/19- "Ruth"
1/20/19- "The Sanctity of Life"
12/30/18- "Prayer"
12/23/18- "Joy to the World"
12/16/18- "Why Do We Exist?" - Downtown Core Values
11/25/18- "What We Believe", Statement #9: Christ's Return
11/4/18 - "What We Believe",
Statement #6: The Holy Spirit
11/18/18- "What We Believe", Statement #8: Christian Living
10/28/18 - "What We Believe", Statement #4: Jesus Christ
12/2/18- "What We Believe", Statement #10: Response and Eternal Destiny
11/11/18 - "What We Believe", Statement #7: The Church
10/7/18 - "What We Believe",
Statement #3: The Human Condition
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